Heroes of Newerth Linux Boot Loop

by Stephen Fluin 2012.02.11
Update 10:15PM 2012-02-11: S2 Games has released a new update of the 2.5.10 bundle, fixing this issue.

With the latest update to Heroes of Newerth published yesterday, many Linux users are experiencing a unfortunate boot loop. The game will launch with version 2.5.9, and tell the user to update to 2.5.10. The update will download and install, but then when the game starts up, the version is still 2.5.9.

How to Fix HON Bootloop

It appears that the reason for this bootloop is that while updating the 32 it version of HoN, S2 Games neglected to include the 64 bit bundle. The solution to get HoN running again is to run the 32 bit version. If your hon folder is /opt/hon/ You will need to run /opt/hon/hon-x86 to launch the game. Hopefully you should already have all of the 32 bit libraries ready to go, as I did.
